A few weeks ago I had a doctor appointment and was told that I was "measuring small." Normally when in this state of daily uncomfortable growth, I could be convinced that might not be such a bad thing. However, I was a stitch nervous for the extra ultrasound they scheduled to make sure baby was growing well.
And Monday we learned that most of her is growing quite well. But. Her little tummy is measuring small. Just her tummy went from 70% at her last ultrasound to an off the charts negative 2%.
Andddd because who doesn't love reading about bowels, I will also let you know allll about my own. They are a little sucky. And they have been giving me some problems for a while. Currently categorized as Ulcerative Colitis. Which in case you don't spend your free time researching interesting colon diseases because I did not, is a disease which many have on and off for their lives and each person pretty much fares differently. It is the sister disease to Crohn's, which you probably have heard of.
If you start out a pregnancy in remission, you have like a 70-80% chance of staying that way throughout and should have a relatively problem free pregnancy.
If you start out your pregnancy mid-flare, my doctor said about a third get worse, a third get better, and a third stay the same. And for those who get worse, the baby is more prone to small for gestational age babes and preterm labor and then there is the whole meds on pregnancy business too. That combination of the small baby plus the preterm labor is what has my doctors worried.
I had major symptoms during Davy's pregnancy, which my doctor attributed to probably other disgusting things you don't want to hear about.
During Gianna's pregnancy which started out in flare style as well, I finally was privileged to be scoped with at with a tiny camera traveling Miss Frizzle Magic School Bus Style through my innards. It was amazing. And they decided after seeing the bottom part of my colon, that I have UC.
And yessss I have read(ish) some diet books on how to heal myself and even tried some of those awesome brothy meaty diets at home (I'm looking at you GAPS diet). And I've figured out in the past 3 years or so that I am crazy sensitive to alcohol and milk products. In other words, no more fun ever. ever. again. Please please for the love of all that is good, do not ask me about "healing myself through food" at this present time. I may have a panic attack.
Fast forward to this second, and I am in pain. On my couch. Having some pretty not fun abdominal pain plus some contractions and just started steroids this week, bringing my total UC daily medication count up to 8 and I have the alarm system to prove it.
I have been honestly hardly moving because my contractions come with a vengeance when I resume my normal activities. And thank thank thankfully I have had some beautiful people come help me, bring me dinner, take my children. You are all the bomb.com.
Basically, if you are the praying sort... Please pray for my little baby Cosette Regina, that the steroids help her mommy's tummy settle down and hers to grow. Andddd that she will hang out as long as possible.
I go to the doctor tomorrow and then in a week they will check her tummy measurement. If it hasn't grown, she will have to be introduced outside the womb muy muy early. 33 weeks for the number lover.
And one of the meanings of Cosette is "Little Thing." I realized it the other day and shed a little tear.
Probably not the most exciting way to do a name reveal, but now you can pray for her by name :).
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