Jun 23, 2010

Mommy's girls

Hanging with the ladies in kitchen....just another fun day:)

I Put Gianna to Sleep Mommy

How Davy loves on her sister...

Jun 20, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever

"These supa yummy mommy." Davy ate at least a pound of these strawberries when we went picking for Daddy's Birthday. It was really fun. Also, it shocked me how small strawberries are when they aren't genetically modified! Some were teeny tiny. Perfect for a two year old to shove in her tiny mouth.

If you live in the Cincinnati/ Dayton area I recommend Blooms and Berries Farm.
It was so cute. They also sold some beautiful hanging baskets and we bought some raspberry jam. mmmmm. 
I forgot to mention the adorable large insects which are a perfect size for your overly friendly toddler. I mean really, they had just met.

Jun 1, 2010

How to Invade Your Newborn Sister's Space 101: A Beginner's Guide

A few snapshots of the good, the bad, and the ugly of a little too much sisterly love.  Hang in there Gianna.

Tea/Pool PaRtY

Guess what? You are invited to a Tea Party in the Pool, Mommy! Would you like a little pool water with your tea?

I was invited, but the invitation was in the toddler spirit..."Mommy GET IN THE WATER!"

There's nothing like the hot sun and a tea part in a kiddie pool. It was tons of fun.

Gianna was a bit too tired to party, but she still dressed up. What a little trooper.

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